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Former Uruguayan president Pepe Mujica announces that he has a tumor in the esophagus

Pepe Mujica pointed out that in his case the treatment of the tumor is complicated because he has suffered for 20 years from an immunological disease that affected his kidneys.

The former Uruguayan presidentJosé Alberto Mujica Cordano (2010-2015) announced this Monday at a press conference thathas a tumor in the esophagus.

Mujica said that a medical check-up was carried out last Friday, and the disease was detected, he reported.Infobae.

It was discovered that I have a tumor in the esophagus, which is obviously very compromised.“said the 88-year-old former president.

It's doubly complicated in my case.”said Mujica when referring to the medical options available, whether surgery or chemotherapy. “Because I have suffered from an immunological disease for more than 20 years that affected, among other things, my kidneys.”.

He noted that doctors evaluate what will be the best treatment to follow.

However, Mujica stated that he will continue his militant commitment in the ranks of the Popular Participation Movement (MPP) and the Frente Amplio, remaining faithful to his convictions, while enjoying his passion for vegetables and taking care of his chickens.

The former president also sent a message to young people.

I want to convey to the girls and boys that life is beautiful, and it wears out and goes away.", said. “The crux of the matter is to start over every time one falls, and if there is anger, let them transform it into hope and fight for love, not let themselves be fooled by hate. Nobody saves themselves”.

Finally, he added that the only freedom that exists is in the head and is called “willpower” the site reportedInfobae.

According to Mujica “If we do not use it we are not free. And this must be understood. This challenge is faced by the new generations. And life is so beautiful that it makes no sense to sacrifice it for stupid things.”.

For the rest, I am grateful and that they take away what I danced”, he concluded.

Pepe Mujica, whose name is José Alberto Mujica Cordano, is a Uruguayan politician who was born on May 20, 1935 in Montevideo.

He was a guerrilla and leader of the National Liberation Movement-Tupamaros before entering politics.

He served as a deputy in 1989 and later as a senator for the Frente Amplio. In addition, he held the position of Minister of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries between 2005 and 2008.

He became president of Uruguay between 2010 and 2015, and then continued his political career as a senator,until his resignation on October 20, 2020.

Since then he decided to retire to dedicate himself to popular militancy. Currently, he leads the Popular Participation Movement, the majority sector of the Broad Front.

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