Actors Jorge and Omar Alí meet again in Cuba

The much-loved Beto from the humorous “Punto G” traveled to the island and celebrated Mother's Day with his brother and sister-in-law, actress Iris Pérez.

Cuban actor Jorge Alí is visiting Cuba, an opportunity that he took advantage of to share with his brother, the also actor Omar Alí, and his sister-in-law, the actress and screenwriter Iris Perez.

On Instagram Iris Pérez and the Cubaactores portal shared photos and videos of the artist's stay on the island.

In the snapshots the artists are seen in a restaurant, enjoying Mother's Day together.

“Mother's Day outing. “The cuñis with his theories”, is read along with a video of Iris in her stories on that social network.

Capture Instagram / Iris Pérez

Jorge Alí, the much loved Beto from the humorous “Punto G”, has resided in Miami since 2009 and for a time he was working for the América TeVé television channel.

Recently the Cuban actor formed part of the cast of Crime in Miami, a series from the PRONYR TV platform, in which he shared a scene with Coralita Veloz, Mauricio Casín and Jennifer de Armas in the episode “Kill the Old Woman.”

We have also seen him alongside the witty Hidroelia (Heydy González), starring in some funny sketches on the networks.

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Deneb González

Editor of CiberCuba Entertainment

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Deneb González

Deneb González

Editor of CiberCuba Entertainment