New Cuban arrival for the first time in a gym in the United States: "The bathrooms are like the ones in a hotel in Cuba"

The young woman was surprised by how big the gyms are in the United States and by the cleanliness of their bathrooms.

A young Cuban woman who had just arrived shared her first experience at a gym in the United States, where she was surprised by its size and also by the cleanliness of the bathrooms. This was a part she compared to that of hotels in Cuba.

Lili Lastres (@lili_lastres), excited about her first time at a gym in the United States after landing in the country just a few days ago, shared her impressions upon visiting and working out there, unable to contain her amazement at all the machines and the size of the gym.

"Since I walked in, I was surprised because I knew they were big, but I didn't imagine they would be much bigger in person. Getting used to the machines, which are very comfortable. They are a dream. In Cuba, they don't resemble anything like the ones here," he began expressing.

Moreover, the gym he went to had a pool and sauna.

"I was surprised by the bathrooms. They have showers, many mirrors, and not to mention the cleanliness. It's just like being in a hotel bathroom in Cuba. And if at first it seemed big to me, when I saw these rooms, it seemed even bigger," she added about this "indescribable" experience.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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