A Cuban cafeteria's wit in Tampa: The logo of the Communist Party in the trash can

The Cuban woman's surprise caused amusement among her followers.

Cesto de basura PCC © X/Letha
PCC trash canPhoto © X/Letha

A Cuban woman had an awkward moment at a pizzeria in Tampa, United States, when she saw the logo of the Communist Party of Cuba inside the establishment, which almost prompted her hasty departure from the place.

I am in a Cuban pizzeria in Tampa. I look towards the entrance door while I wait for my order, and I looked twice before wanting to tell my husband: Let's go, communism has arrived in Tampa! recounted the user Letha on X (previously known as Twitter).

Luckily, I put on my glasses and applauded his initiative. It was the slogan of the PCC in the trash can," he pointed out as a warning that he had made a mistake.

Letha was at the "Novent Millas" pizzeria, specialized in the product but with Cuban characteristics, and shared a video where you can see the trash can at the entrance of the establishment, labeled with the logo of the PCC.

His post caused amusement among his followers, who appreciated the cleverness of this place for putting the PCC in a position that many Cubans would like to send it to.

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