Several young people arrested for the alleged murder of a 54-year-old man in Santiago de Cuba

The arrests took place this Friday.

Boinas negras en Santiago de Cuba (i) y Santiaguero que apareció asesinado (d) © Collage Facebook/Yosmany Mayeta Labrada
Black berets in Santiago de Cuba (i) and Santiaguero found murdered (d)Photo © Collage Facebook/Yosmany Mayeta Labrada

The Black Berets Command and military personnel would have detained several young people allegedly linked to the death of Heriberto Sánchez Reyes, a 54-year-old man whose body was found earlier this week in an alley in the city of Santiago de Cuba.

The news of the police operation was disclosed this Friday on social media by journalist Yosmany Mayeta Labrada, who detailed - citing neighborhood sources - that for "several consecutive days, Black Beret commandos arrived on 10th Street in the Altamira neighborhood to arrest young people who are possibly involved in the brutal murder."

The communicator pointed out that even "a very young woman" was arrested, who would have been the one to attract the victim's attention to ask for a ride to the wooded area on the outskirts of the town where the body was later found.

So far, official press sources have not commented on the discovery of the body nor have they confirmed the crime, which adds to other acts of violence reported in Santiago de Cuba so far this year.

The murder of Heriberto Sánchez would date back to last Saturday when, at seven in the morning, the victim went to pick up a motorbike that had been purchased the day before by Doctor Yasmani Bueno Rodríguez from a coworker at the Frank País García Polyclinic in the town of Agüero.

They say that after being picked up, 'el motor' had a flat tire, and Heriberto took it to the tire shop on Calle Rastro, between Martí and Yarayó. On Saturday afternoon, after one o'clock, he went out for a ride and they lost track of him until yesterday, when this body was found very far from his residence," the source specified.

Yosmany Mayeta indicated that they have confirmed that the body found would be that of the man who had been reported missing, but there is no trace of the motorbike.

The corpse in an advanced state of decomposition was found on Monday afternoon in an alley near the area known as the "red tanks," between the Versailles and Altamira neighborhoods. The area was cordoned off by the police for many hours.

The body was partially buried, probably because animals brought it to the surface attracted by the bad odor.

In a subsequent post, Mayeta Labrada urged the authorities of Santiago de Cuba and the Criminalistics department to publicly disclose the identity of the deceased person and to provide details about the circumstances of their death. Something that has not happened so far.

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