Heartwarming reunion: Mother surprises her son in Cuba for his 15th birthday.

The moment has moved people on social media, bringing tears and longings to those who dream of being able to reunite with their loved ones.

In shock from the tremendous surprise, a Cuban boy was left when he received a visit from his mother on the island for his 15th birthday.

In an emotional video shared on TikTok by the mother, Miladys en la red, we see the moment when she appears driving a car and arrives at the place where her son was sitting on the sidewalk with some friends.

The young man could not initially manage to stand up until he approached her, until finally, unable to contain the emotion, he stood up, in tears, to hug his mother.

The scene moved everyone present, who gathered to sing "Happy Birthday" to the young man. After that, amidst the revelry and emotions running high, the mother began to greet the neighbors, family, and acquaintances who quickly approached the place.

The reactions on TikTok were not long in coming: "It's clear that he really misses his mom with that hug"; "How beautiful, what great joy they bring, even as they grow up they always need us, many blessings and I hope you can have him here soon," some said.

The video also sparked empathy among many who live in a similar situation or suffer from the separation of the Cuban family: "I have cried like a little girl because I desire to hug my mother so much, what nostalgia but what a beautiful gift for the child"; "Who else cried? I can't wait to hug my daughter like that, thousands of blessings, only a mother knows everything that is suffered by not having our children by our side. Enjoy it a lot."

There were also celebrations for them and good wishes for the birthday person: "Congratulations, how joyful, I crying for strangers, I also wish for that moment so many blessings"; "Wow, what a divine gift, happy birthday and blessings to the whole family", "How beautiful, what great joy even though they grow up they always need us many blessings and hopefully you can have it here soon", they said.

This emotional reunion has touched the hearts of many, making it clear that, although distance can be difficult, moments of coming together are priceless and deeply meaningful.

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