To the rhythm of disco! Lenier Mesa and Tito El Bambino prepare new musical collaboration.

"Temporal" is the title of this new single with a lot of energy and a super catchy rhythm.

Together again to set the dance floors on fire! Lenier Mesa and Tito El Bambino are cooking up a new musical collaboration that promises to be an ideal summer theme.

To the beat of disco, both artists have joined forces to release "Temporal," a single with high energy and a super contagious rhythm.

The Puerto Rican and the Cuban shared a preview of the song on Instagram from a recording studio.

"Whoever bet on me, hold onto your ticket, this year you'll collect. 'Temporary', the boss's people," wrote the Puerto Rican artist.

Lenier is currently in Puerto Rico and together with Tito El Bambino, they went camping, precisely to work on this project.

Although they have not yet revealed the release date, the expectation among fans is high, and everyone is eagerly awaiting the release of this song that will surely be a hit.

This is not the first time the singers collaborate, last year Tito El Bambino released "Solo tú," composed by Lenier Mesa.

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Deneb González

Entertainment Editor at CiberCuba

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Deneb González

Deneb González

Entertainment Editor for CiberCuba