Lenier shares with Chocolate's mother in Spain: This was their meeting

The young woman shared an image of the meeting on social media.

Lenier y la madre de Chocolate © Isis Sierra Hernández / Instagram
Lenier and Chocolate's mother.Photo © Isis Sierra Hernández / Instagram

The Cuban singer and composer Lenier Mesa has starred in a beautiful moment with the mother of the Cuban reggaeton artist Yosvanis Arismin Sierra Hernández, better known as Chocolate MC.

The meeting took place in Tenerife, Spain, during a concert that the artist performed at a nightclub in the city as part of his tour of Europe.

Chocolate MC's sister, Isis Sierra Hernández, shared on her Instagram account in collaboration with other media outlets, a screenshot of a video call where Lenier can be seen alongside Mrs. Odalys Hernández.

"Thanks to Lenier for the great attention he gave to my mom, wholeheartedly," the young woman commented on her Facebook profile to thank the singer for the attention he gave to her mother.

Odalys Hernández left Cuba and traveled to Gran Canaria in October 2020, a news that was shared by Chocolate MC on his social media at the time.

Chocolate MC, 33 years old, is currently in prison in Miami, Florida, after being accused of "sexual assault without severe injuries, kidnapping, possession of firearms, aggravated assault, and robbery by sudden snatching."

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Yare Grau

Originally from Cuba, but I live in Spain. I studied Social Communication at the University of Havana and later graduated in Audiovisual Communication from the University of Valencia. I am currently part of the team at CiberCuba as a writer in the Entertainment section.

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