New luxury collaboration: Lenier Mesa and Nacho release their song "Just like me"

This is how the song by Lenier Mesa and Nacho Mendoza sounds.

"Here is 'Así como soy,' a very danceable salsa by Lenier Mesa together with the Venezuelan Nacho Mendoza."

The single landed on the Cuban's Youtube channel along with a colorful music video that smells like summer, beach bar, and dance floor.

This Wednesday, with only a few hours left before the release of the song, Lenier Mesa surprised on social media with a snippet of his collaboration with Nacho Mendoza.

"Venezuela and Cuba, good salsa. Tomorrow we are releasing this song with my little brother @nacho I hope you liked it a lot!", the Cuban singer and composer had written shortly before the release, alongside a brief preview of the music video, which delighted his fans.

"Great song. More salsa with Lenier Mesa," Nacho later said when he posted the same preview on his wall.

Excited about the little that was left to fully listen to the song, congratulating Lenier for another collaboration with recognized international artists, and praising Nacho for how well he performs in salsa, the followers on social networks celebrated the collaboration. Olga Tañón, with whom Lenier Mesa has just released the song "No sé quién soy yo," also applauded this new union.

Last June, Lenier Mesa announced the good news that he was recording something with the Venezuelan artist, and luckily for their respective fans, the result can now be enjoyed.

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