A video on TikTok has captured the attention of millions of users by showcasing a father's unconditional support for his lesbian daughter.
Published on the profile of the girl (@mrgirlkisser) on Father's Day, and in the context of Pride Month, the video has accumulated over 3.4 million views, more than 320,000 likes, and 5,600 comments at the time of this report.
The story began when a follower asked how the young woman's father would react, after her mother showed her support in another video.
In response, the father shared a series of statements expressing his pride and love for his daughter, challenging stereotypes and celebrating their relationship: “I am the dad of a lesbian, and obviously she steals my clothes. I am the dad of a lesbian, and obviously I've been told that I won't be a grandfather. I am the dad of a lesbian, and obviously I give her advice on how to charm a girl. I am the dad of a lesbian, and obviously I’m at ease because there won't be any men in her life. I am the dad of a lesbian, and obviously I've been told that I have a son, so ask me anything," he is heard saying in the video, which closes with, "I am the dad of a lesbian, and obviously she’s still my princess.”
El video ha generando una ola de comentarios mayormente positivos en TikTok, donde muchos expresaron su admiración por el padre: “El papá que todas queremos”; “Ole, por más padres así. Y esa frase de siempre será su princesa”; "Te felicito y respeto por ser un buen padre al que acepta a su hija tal cual es. Bendiciones"; "Me parece respetable, pues un hijo es un hijo sin importar sus decisiones, lo importante es la felicidad de cada quien felicito esa forma de pensar"; "Eso es ser padre, darle el apoyo a sus hijos sin importar sus preferencias. Felicidades por ser tan buen padre”; "Su hija tiene que estar bien orgullosa de usted…"; "Qué bueno que apoyes a tu hija como debe ser, ojalá hubiera más padres como tú.. pienso que los hijos se aman tal y como son", se lee entre los mensajes.
While most of the responses celebrated the love and acceptance shown by the father, there were also instances of questioning, hate, and discriminatory messages. In response to one such message, which predicted that they would go to hell, they later shared a joint video addressing the criticisms and defending the idea that videos like theirs highlight the support parents give to their children, regardless of their preferences, personal choices, or sexual orientation.
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