A young Spanish man expresses his amazement about the United States: "The American dream exists, it feels like being in a movie."

A young Spanish man on TikTok shares his astonishment about life in the United States, describing it as a real American dream come true.

A young Spanish man has captured the attention of thousands of users on TikTok by sharing his impression after several weeks in the United States, specifically from the city of San Francisco. In his video, the guy expresses his amazement and excitement for what he describes as the "American dream", affirming that what is seen in movies is a tangible reality.

"The American Dream exists, what you see in the movies is reality," states the young man in his video, which already has thousands of views. "There are also people on the streets, but like in all countries. But aside from that, America feels like a movie. The big houses with American flags, giant supermarkets, everything is huge."

The young man continues to highlight the kindness of Americans: "Americans are very nice people, if they can help you, they will. It feels like being in a movie. I was afraid of being disappointed."

His detailed and sincere description of life in the United States has resonated with many users, both those who dream of visiting the country and those who have already had the opportunity to experience it. And in the comments, dozens of people echoed the words of Samu Obadía (@samuobadiaa).

"I felt really great there, people were super friendly and everything was spacious and well-structured." "I couldn't agree with you more." "Absolutely true! It's the same in Illinois, everything is huge and the people are too friendly." "In love with California and totally agree with you." "I also worked in California last year, and I think the United States is overrated and a very dirty country with a lot to be desired. The people are indeed nice but very fake," are some of the comments that can be read alongside the video.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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