Seidy La Niña's grandmother encourages her to open an OnlyFans account: "She says that if she had my age and my body, she would do it."

Seidy La Niña and her grandmother are taking over social media with humor talking about CuliFans.

The Cuban singer Seidy La Niña, known for her charisma and spontaneity, has once again surprised her followers with a funny response to a question from a user about when she will open her account on OnlyFans. Instead of a simple answer, Seidy decided to involve her grandmother in a video that has quickly amused her followers.

In the video, Seidy La Niña appears alongside her grandmother, who with humor and playfulness encourages her granddaughter to open an account on the platform, while calling her "culifan". The lady, displaying a carefree and complicit attitude, jokes about the idea that she should set aside music to focus on the platform, without caring that to have her account she would have to "show it all".

"It doesn't matter. Whoever has a nice one should show it. Me, because I'm an old parrot, but I would have opened it," says the grandmother, to the laughter of her granddaughter. "Grandma says that opening a culifan has nothing to do with it, that if she had my age and my body, she would do it," comments Seidy at the end of the video as a summary.

The video has received dozens of reactions and comments on Instagram, where Seidy La Niña's followers applauded her grandmother's response. "You take after someone, grandma is out of league", "Grandma was born in the wrong era. She already told you what happens is that she's just old now, otherwise... what's hanging high, will fall. Anyway, people will always talk, for good or for bad", "I love your grandma, follow her advice they never go wrong", "Exactly, grandma is right", "Grandma is on point! Anyway, after one dies we are all saints", "I agree! You are beautiful! And beauty shines! And if you win, even better" or "Bro. We already have the name for the most popular app in the Latin world! Let's go there!!!", are some of the messages that can be read next to Seidy's post.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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