Rachel Arderi, girlfriend of Oniel Bebeshito, lets loose dancing while flaunting her pregnancy.

"If being a young mother were a crime, I would have been in jail a long time ago," wrote the 21-year-old alongside the video.

Rachel Arderi is not only enjoying her pregnancy, but also feels beautiful and has no qualms about showing off her belly, which has already grown quite a bit.

Oniel Bebeshito's girlfriend let loose dancing in front of the cameras with very sensual moves that earned her praise from her followers on Instagram.

"If being a young mother were a crime, I would have been in jail a long time ago," wrote the 21-year-old alongside the video.

Wearing a crop top and a tight-fitting skirt, Rachel exposed her belly to convey that during pregnancy, women can feel very beautiful.

"Pregnant and still looking gorgeous with a tremendous body"; "The most beautiful pregnant woman"; "You are so lovely"; "So beautiful as a mother"; "Even pregnant, she is beautiful"; "You look so pretty, motherhood suits you very well"; "You are the most beautiful mother in the world"; "You look beautiful, that pregnancy suits you very well"; "What a beautiful belly", were some of the compliments from her fans.

This week, Rachel was moved to tears as she remembered her first pregnancy when she was 15 years old. She was only studying and did not have the resources to buy things for her baby or enjoy that special moment.

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Deneb González

CiberCuba Entertainment Editor

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