Oniel Bebeshito's girlfriend poses at seven months pregnant from Miami: "From the back, you can't tell I'm pregnant."

The young Cuban woman joined a social media trend and showed off her 7-month baby bump in a tight red jumpsuit.

Rachel Arderi is living one of the most special moments of her life. Just arrived in Miami, the young Cuban woman is seven months pregnant and a few weeks away from welcoming her daughter with Oniel Bebeshito, she shared a video on Instagram that shows she is in great shape.

The young woman joined a trending social media video in which the sound of a whistle plays while a pregnant woman is shown from the back, in a position where her condition cannot be perceived. When she turns around, her baby bump is revealed. The rest of the audio says, "Hey, what's going on? Any issues? Are you not looking at me?"

"I had to do it ... 7 months already," wrote the model posing in a tight red jumpsuit.

Among all the comments, we found the one from the performer of "Marca Mandarina," the father of the girl who is carrying his baby in her womb. "Stop with the teasing with my wife," commented the reggaeton artist, who recently returned to Cuba after his tour in Europe.

The young woman arrived in Miami in mid-May with her son to start a new life. Weeks later, she surprised her partner with a romantic birthday gift: a tattoo with their name on her neck. It is a very special engraving considering it is the first one she has on her body.

Now, the beautiful Cuban woman is just weeks away from meeting her daughter with the Cuban reggaeton artist, who will be his first daughter.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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