Pickpocket sentenced to 10 years in prison for theft on buses in Havana.

Upon being discovered, the thief did not back down and pulled out a knife in an attempt to get off the bus, but he was unsuccessful.

A man who tried to steal a cell phone from its owner on a bus in Havana was sentenced to 10 years in prison.

According to a report broadcast on the Mesa Redonda television show, the incident occurred in a P12, around 4:00 pm, while driving along Boyeros Avenue and Calzada del Cerro.

When the victim realized the robbery, the bus driver stopped the bus and kept the doors closed; then a passenger made a phone call and soon it was known who had taken it.

Upon being discovered, the pickpocket did not back down and pulled out a knife in an attempt to escape, but was unsuccessful.

The thief was tried for the crimes of robbery with violence and illegal possession of weapons, and the Prosecutor's Office requested a joint penalty of 10 years of deprivation of liberty for him, in addition to paying more than 8,000 pesos for the damages caused to the cell phone.

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