State Security mounts surveillance at the residence of the deceased actor Carlos Massola

"This is incredible," commented a person in the video, upon seeing that the authorities are surveilling while the actor's body remains in his apartment due to a lack of transportation to the funeral home.

Agente de la seguridad en el edificio del fallecido actor Carlos Massola © Captura Facebook / CubaNet
Security agent at the building of the deceased actor Carlos Massola.Photo © Facebook Screenshot / CubaNet

Cuba's State security has placed one of its agents at the entrance of the building where the home of the late actor Carlos Massola is located, CubaNet news portal reported on Wednesday.

"Instead of offering help with the paperwork, he watches and questions whether the actor really died," noted the news website in a video shared on Facebook.

"This is incredible," a woman can be heard saying in the video, unable to believe that instead of looking for alternatives to transport the body of the deceased actor to the funeral home, which is still in his apartment causing pain to his mother, they set up surveillance on the site.

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