"To cover up, it's here," they tell Laura Treto for showing off her stunning body in swimsuit photos.

Laura Treto has surprised her followers by posing in a swimsuit and showcasing a spectacular figure after undergoing cosmetic surgery.

Laura Treto © Instagram / Laura Treto
Laura TretoPhoto © Instagram / Laura Treto

Laura Treto has stolen the sighs of more than one follower after posing in a swimsuit showing off her incredible body just a few months after undergoing surgery for cosmetic procedures. The results are evident in the new photos that the Cuban actress uploaded, where she appears radiant and happy with her new curves.

The young woman underwent liposuction with transfer and couldn't be happier with the results, judging by the images she shared on Instagram. The photographs have caused a sensation among her followers, who have given her all kinds of compliments.

"The most beautiful thing is how fierce you are!!! Feel beautiful and proud, you're a Duraka, mommy!!!", "Bravo! You have an amazing body. Congratulations on taking care of yourself and having the courage to show it. I got scolded today for showing cleavage on Instagram", "Women no longer cry, women make money", "The caption should have been: I won't say anything, but there will be signs", "Get ready, @la3to has arrived" or "We are all Shakira, women don't cry, they get even better", are some of the messages dedicated to Laura Treto, who confirmed the end of her relationship with the father of her daughter a few months ago.

"Is it just me? Or does it all look natural? Amazing body," another user said in the comments section.

After the operation, Laura Treto commented that her intention was to look natural and that she is experiencing a "rebirth."

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduate in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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