Iraisel reacts to the criticism for defending his daughter: "I don't need to create controversy with my daughter."

The young Cuban caused a stir by responding to a user for a comment she made about her daughter Daniela.

Iraisel Pintueles did not remain silent when she read a critique about how her daughter appeared in a photo she shared on her Instagram profile. The influencer responded to this comment with a post in which she made it clear that for her, her daughter is perfect from all angles and invited anyone who does not want to see the naturalness with which she exposes her to unfollow her.

Although the young woman wanted to settle her opinion on this type of comment with this post, after returning to Cuba from her vacation in Mexico with her partner Leo Leyva, Iraisel revisited this controversy to respond to new comments she has been reading on that post. Criticism towards her for responding and being upset about the messages dedicated to her as a public figure.

It was through her stories where Iraisel said: "With that post, I was responding not only to this comment but to all the ones I receive. People still write me comments defending this girl and criticizing me because they say it's freedom of expression, and they have every right to write what they want because I am a public figure. So, they contradict themselves. You have the right to speak, and I have the right to respond. Freedom of expression works both ways. And it amuses me how people contradict themselves."

"People are saying that I need likes and fame, and I don't need that at all. I try to convey my energy on my social media, and I don't need to create controversy, especially not with my daughter," she added, making it clear that she is not looking to create controversy.

"Controversy surrounds me, and believe me, I could talk about many topics other than my daughter or someone criticizing her. Those of us who are moms don't like to hear things about our children. Whether it's because I post photos with her or am exposing her, if it involves Daniela, I will always respond. But nothing, everything related to my daughter will affect me, and if it bothers me, I will react," she concluded, assuring that whenever her daughter Daniela is mentioned, she will stand up for her and not remain silent.

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Izabela Pecherska

CiberCuba editor. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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