Thief climbs to a second floor and takes a laptop in Havana.

The robbery occurred in a house located on 70th street between 19 and 21, in the Buenavista neighborhood, Playa municipality. The police arrested the thief.

Detenido por robo de una laptop en Playa © Facebook/Habana Noticias
Arrested for stealing a laptop in Playa.Photo © Facebook/Habana Noticias

A thief who climbed to a second floor, entered a house, and stole a laptop was captured by the police in the Playa municipality in Havana.

The robbery occurred on 70th Street between 19 and 21, in the Buenavista neighborhood, where the criminal "thought he was a superhero and climbed up to the second floor, then committed his wrongdoing and disappeared at lightning speed," according to the official profile Habana Noticias on Facebook.

Facebook Capture/Habana Noticias

A neighbor from the neighborhood saw the individual leaving the house and alerted the owner, who in turn called the police, who captured the thief in less than 24 hours, the publication indicated.

The report did not disclose the name of the detainee, although it did publish his photo and others of the recovered laptop.

In the comments on the post, people who have been victims of theft in their homes questioned the effectiveness of the police in resolving this case so quickly.

A young woman, identified as PS Suly, commented: “How lucky she was, in my case since January they broke in and stole the motorcycle from the living room, and no one saw anything, and the police don't catch anyone, what luck! Congratulations.”

The population frequently questions the actions of the police forces to curb the increase in theft and crime in the country. Many Cubans end up helping to capture the thieves or take preventive measures, such as installing surveillance cameras in homes and private businesses.

Recently, a video captured the moment when a thief, in broad daylight, stole two bicycles from a house in the Playa municipality in Havana.

The activist and comedian Limay Blanco reported the increase in theft and crime in Cuba, following the theft of a mobile phone from a friend while traveling on a bus in the capital.

Meanwhile, last week it was reported that five people were arrested in connection with the violent robbery of a motorcycle from a 72-year-old woman in Arroyo Naranjo. The information, published by a pro-government profile on Facebook, included photos of the alleged thieves, but did not reveal their names. The five are said to be in custody and under investigation.

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