Cuban denies that Brazil is not a good country to emigrate to.

A Cuban resident in Brazil denied that this South American nation is not a good country to settle in and provided arguments to support her claim.

A Cuban resident in Brazil denied that the South American nation is just a place to spend a season and leave, arguing that it is one of the countries in the world that welcomes foreigners the best.

Following a previous comment from an internet user who claimed that Brazil is not a good place to settle, the TikToker Marbelys Baquet explained that this is not the experience of thousands of Venezuelans, Haitians, Cubans, and nationals from other Latin American countries who have found their home in the South American giant.

"Brazil is the only country in the world that has never closed its doors to immigrants," pointed out the Cuban on the mentioned social media, who added that it is very easy to legalize oneself in Brazil if one is well oriented.

He added that although the identity card may take two to three months, the work permit can be obtained earlier, allowing one to start organizing their life soon.

The Cuban insisted that Brazil is a country where, once legalized, foreigners truly feel like part of that country, with all the guaranteed rights, just like anyone else who was born there.

Marbelys did not shy away from comparing it to settling in the United States, and urged those who only see the American nation as a possibility for the future to reconsider. "For those who have the famous American dream, I have something to say: The situation in the United States is getting worse for migrants. They face increasing difficulties in finding a job. They are extremely exploited. People have to wait up to a year and a half to obtain residency, and during that time, they are forced to live like a ghost," she said.

However, the Cuban admitted that any country offering better living conditions than your country of origin is good, something that right now -given the crisis on the island- is very easy to achieve in almost any place in the world.

However, the Cuban TikToker - who has many videos advising migrants who want to settle in Brazil - reiterated that the South American giant is a good destination.

For Marbelys, the only relative drawback would be the language, but she pointed out that it is not something that poses a significant obstacle as long as there is willingness.

In the comments section of the post, dozens of Latin Americans from various countries residing in Brazil confirmed the Cuban's point of view, who from her TikTok account does not hesitate to provide support and encouragement to those who dare to experience, why not? "the Brazilian dream."

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