Cuban ignites the debate on social media with his comparison between the United States and Brazil.

"I know that Brazil is a third world country, but they act as if we are living right now in the middle of the jungle."

A Cuban in Brazil has taken social media by storm with two videos where he compares life in Brazil and in the United States.

In his first post, the young Reinol Tiger (@reinoltiger) listed some of the differences he saw between both countries, in response primarily to comments he has received from people who placed Brazil "very low" or considered it to be a 'mountain'.

In his initial reflection, he addressed points such as the beauty of the places, the food, purchasing power, and the values of the currencies.

Due to the rapid response to his first video, the Cuban published a second part, including other aspects in his comparison—such as the possibilities of finding a partner—and insisting that the United States was one of the best countries in the world and that his reflections were mainly directed at those who underestimated Brazil and were based on his personal experience.

As could be expected, given the controversial nature of the topic and his words, there has been intense debate and exchanges of opinions in the comments.

Some comments expressed support: "I am Cuban and live in Florianópolis and I love living here, there is nothing to envy about the United States, it's just about the dollar"; "I have lived in Brazil for three years and the truth is that in the U.S. you can achieve everything faster than here, regarding food we are equal, it's true, but in terms of comfort and economic stability, the U.S. wins"; "2000 dollars in the USA is a small amount"; "I live in Caxias Do Sul and I'm doing great in Brazil, I am super thankful"; "I have been in Brazil for 5 years and I am very grateful for this great country"; "Brazil is a country full of opportunities, you are absolutely right."

However, there were also comments that highlighted the difficulties: "Not everyone does equally well in this country, and it's not a matter of not wanting to, it simply doesn't work"; "Brazil is beautiful, but if you are a professional and good, then yes, you can do really well. Very well explained by the guy in the video"; "Brazil is falling behind, bro, because not all states are Curitiba. Rio is nice but it's bad to live in, why do you think Brazilians emigrate right here?"; "Here, to earn 1000 dollars, you have to be a professional," they pointed out.

And what do you think?

What do you think?


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