Residents of Luyanó are fed up with the accumulation of garbage: "How much longer do we have to live like this?"

Waste crisis in Luyanó. Residents demand urgent solutions in the face of the Cuban regime's inaction.

The unsanitary situation in the Luyanó neighborhood in Havana has reached alarming levels, according to recent complaints on social media.

Desperate neighbors have used platforms like Facebook to expose the deplorable conditions in which they live, pointing out the massive accumulation of garbage and the lack of actions by the competent authorities.

Facebook Odalys Bermúdez

Odalys Bermúdez, a resident of Luyanó, shared her frustration in a Facebook post that has resonated with the community's inhabitants.

In his message, Bermúdez laments the state of neglect in which his neighborhood finds itself, highlighting how the accumulation of garbage and the critical situation of the water service severely affect the health of children, the elderly, and other residents.

He emphasized that the streets Reforma and Rodríguez are so full of waste that cars can no longer pass through, and the doors of the houses are invaded by worms and flies due to the heat.

"How much longer do we have to keep living like this?" Bermúdez asks in his post, highlighting the desperation of the neighbors in the face of the lack of responses from municipal officials.

Anabel Fuentes, another resident of the neighborhood, also raised her voice on Facebook, addressing the authorities of the municipality of Diez de Octubre directly.

Facebook Anabel Fuentes

In his message, Fuentes denounces the indifference of local authorities regarding the garbage crisis affecting Luyanó, describing how flies, rats, and plague have become a daily part of life in the neighborhood.

"It is disgusting to walk through our neighborhood," Fuentes stated, pointing out that the accumulation of garbage is worsening the health situation in the community, where there is already a shortage of medicine and food.

He called on the authorities to seek alternatives, even suggesting the use of carts to collect the waste if there is not enough oil.

Complaints from the residents of Luyanó have been occurring for several weeks due to the serious crisis in waste collection in Havana.

The streets Pedro Pernas and Manuel Pruna are blocked due to the accumulation of waste, preventing vehicles from passing. "What a kind of filth!" exclaimed a citizen. He accompanied his statements with a video, showing a mini dump that has clearly not been collected in several weeks.

The Cuban people are tired of so much accumulation of garbage in public spaces and have started to set fire to the trash bins. Fires of this type are being reported across the country.

The fires in the dumps are very dangerous because these landfills generally go weeks without sanitation and accumulate a lot of methane. They are located very close to people's homes, and some neighbors warn that they are a potential hazard.

They are not only concerned about the increase in vectors that cause diseases, but also that when fires occur, the combustion can be very strong and damage neighboring homes and people.

The Cuban regime said it is seeking support from foreign investors to address the solid waste management crisis in the country, especially in Havana.

However, for residents of neighborhoods like Luyanó, solutions seem far from being realized, and desperation continues to grow as trash piles up in the streets.

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