Cuban from New Jersey after visiting her friends in Miami: "I was happy here until I met Miami, now I want to go back."

Cuban returns to New Jersey in love with Miami: "It’s literally Cuba supplied."

A Cuban resident in New Jersey for two years has caused a stir on social media after posting a video on her TikTok account in which she shares her opinion after visiting Miami. In the clip, the user @danaisymauri appears with the iconic New York skyline in the background and explains the reasons why, according to her, she did not like the city of Miami.

"For those who ask me why I didn't like Miami, as you can see, I live two blocks from New York. The dream of every person is to get to know the Big Apple, and I have it by crossing the river," comments the young Cuban with a tone of satisfaction about her privileged location near the iconic city. However, she also admits that after her trip to Miami, some doubts arose about her place of residence…

"The problem with Miami is that it is full of Cubans, all the ones you met in school. The beaches of Miami, which we don't have here, have a temperature that you won't find here. That's the only thing I'm missing and that I'll never have in New Jersey," he points out, thus declaring how much he likes the City of the Sun.

"I was so happy to be here, living two blocks from New York. I didn't want anything else until I got to know Miami," he adds, while stating that he feels in a contradictory situation. "Now I find myself in the sad necessity of returning to Miami, but that's life; here we are with these beautiful views," he added.

The video has generated multiple reactions on TikTok, where users debate the benefits of living near New York versus the advantages of Miami. The protagonist of this video clarified in the comments what she meant in her video. "I didn't expect to love Miami until I arrived and was able to see it and share it with my lifelong friends, that's why I loved it and at the same time I didn't, because I returned home not wanting to."

"I've been here for 2 years and when I went to Miami I fell in love, it literally is Cuba supplied," he added in another message.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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Izabela Pecherska

Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.