Cuban TikToker in the U.S. frustrated by package thefts at her doorstep

"What is happening to me, I never thought I would experience it here in the United States."

Cubana denuncia robos de paquetes en su propia puerta © TikTok / @kurly_la_peque
Cuban woman reports package thefts at her own door.Photo © TikTok / @kurly_la_peque

The popular Cuban TikToker @kurly_la_peque reported on social media that packages she receives at her front door have been stolen, and this isn't the first time it has happened to her!

The creator, who lives in a condominium in Louisville, Kentucky, never thought something like this would happen to her in a country where, according to her, "people do not need to steal."

"Well, the truth is that I don't like to create this kind of content... but I'm going to do it because I don't know if others are experiencing the same," she explained in the video. Showing images from her security camera, @kurly_la_peque revealed how a person arrives 10 minutes after the delivery person leaves the package and takes it away without any remorse. "It's not the first time, and I know it won't be the last. It's happened to me many times," she confessed, visibly frustrated.

The situation is so serious that she has even had to cancel collaborations with TikTok Shop stores, as she cannot test the products they send her. "I work with social media... and it's my image that is at stake," she stated.

The followers quickly reacted and offered ideas to prevent more thefts. "Have them delivered to the lockers at some gas stations... it's super safe there"; "Buy a large mailbox with locks so that no one can take the packages," suggested some; while another directly told him: "You have to file a report with the police and give them the videos of the thefts."

Some of her followers, who also live in the same city, confirmed that it is a common problem: "I live in Louisville too and they steal our packages... it seems to be quite common here," commented a user.

For now, @kurly_la_peque continues to wait for a solution while accumulating videos of her missing packages and wonders what to do: "I don't know if I should report this to the police… I don't know what to do anymore," she concluded, asking for advice from her community.

Complaints like these are not new online, where other people based in the United States have raised their voices about different types of problems. Recently, another Cuban creator also expressed her frustration with the lack of values and the unfair behavior of some users in her environment. In that case, the influencer sent a clear message to those who appropriate what doesn't belong to them: "that does not belong to you, that is not yours."

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