They identify the police officer who fractured the arm of a 16-year-old in Holguín.

Ramírez indicated that his son and other teenagers were in the sports area when several police officers arrived with the intention of evicting them.

Agente involucrado en violencia contra menor de edad © Facebook
Agent involved in violence against a minorPhoto © Facebook

A Cuban mother, identified on social media as Dayanis Ramírez, revealed the name of the police officer who broke her 16-year-old son's arm in the city of Holguín.

The agent was identified as Alfredo Yoaldi Ortiz Viñales, and he was pointed out as responsible for the injury to the young man.

"He is one of the cowards who broke my son's arm. I hope he receives his punishment. Share it so the world knows who the cowards are hiding behind a uniform," she wrote indignantly in a Facebook post.

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The incident occurred last Tuesday at a soccer field belonging to the University of Medical Sciences, a place where, according to the mother, "for generations the boys from the neighborhood have gathered to play soccer, basketball, and other sports."

Ramírez stated that his son and other teenagers were in the sports area when several police officers arrived with the intention of evicting them.

When trying to leave, the police began to insult them. When the young man said there was no reason to disrespect him, he was subdued with such force that his arm was broken.

The mother assured that she has already filed the corresponding complaints and that she will not rest until those responsible face justice. She also detailed that, in addition to the fracture, her son was beaten, and mentioned that the head of the 3rd police unit of Holguín, described as a light-eyed major, was the one who caused the injury.

This case adds to other episodes of police violence in Cuba, a phenomenon that between 2019 and 2023 left more than 90 victims, many of whom have not received justice.

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