Hurricane Oscar is approaching the east of Cuba and could make landfall in the coming hours.

With maximum sustained winds of 130 kilometers per hour and higher gusts, the weather phenomenon continues to be a category 1 hurricane on the Saffir-Simpson scale.

Huracán Oscar se aproxima a las costas del Oriente de Cuba © NOAA
Hurricane Oscar is approaching the eastern coast of Cuba.Photo © NOAA

Hurricane Oscar, which has been fluctuating in intensity, is dangerously approaching the eastern provinces of Cuba.

With maximum sustained winds of 130 kilometers per hour and higher gusts, the weather phenomenon remains a category 1 hurricane on the Saffir-Simpson scale, according to the latest report from the Forecast Center of the Institute of Meteorology of Cuba (INSMET).

Screenshot Facebook / Cubadebate

At six in the morning this Sunday, the center of the hurricane was located over the island of Gran Inagua, in the eastern Bahamas, about 130 kilometers northeast of Punta de Maisí, at the eastern end of Cuba, and 240 kilometers east of Punta Lucrecia, in Holguín.

In the next 12 hours, Oscar will continue to move on a course between west and west-southwest, dangerously approaching the northern coast of the provinces of Guantánamo and Holguín.

The hurricane could gain some more intensity as it moves over the waters north of the eastern Cuban region, with a possible landfall during the afternoon or evening today in the areas of Guantánamo and Holguín.


In light of this situation, meteorological authorities have warned of a gradual deterioration of weather conditions in the eastern region since the morning, with rain, thunderstorms, and winds reaching speeds of up to 100 kilometers per hour.

The northern coasts of Guantánamo, Holguín, and Las Tunas will face strong swells and moderate flooding, primarily in low-lying areas such as the waterfront of Baracoa.

The population is advised to closely monitor the evolution of the hurricane and take the necessary preventive measures. The next official notice will be issued at noon today.

The Cyclonic Alert Phase has been declared for the provinces from Las Tunas to Guantánamo.

Screenshot Facebook / Lázaro Manuel Alonso

Oscar's progression and his follow-up from Cuba.

Hurricane Oscar, which is approaching the eastern part of Cuba, has garnered significant attention due to its rapid evolution and potentially dangerous nature for the Island.

This cyclone, which has already reached category 1 on the Saffir-Simpson scale, threatens to impact the eastern provinces of Guantánamo and Holguín during the afternoon or evening of today.

Its sustained winds of 130 km/h and the storm surges on the northern coast of these provinces have put authorities and the local population on alert.

In recent days, the Institute of Meteorology of Cuba (INSMET) has issued several warnings, highlighting the possible intensification of Oscar as it moves over the seas north of the country.

These warnings include the possibility of heavy rains and intense thunderstorms in mountainous areas and coastal regions of the east, with special attention to the low areas of Baracoa, which face a high risk of coastal flooding.

Based on the recent reports, the informative phase has been declared for the provinces ranging from Camagüey to Guantánamo. In this stage, the authorities have begun to prepare preventive evacuations in vulnerable areas and to secure the infrastructure.

This weather phenomenon follows the path of other hurricanes that, in the past, have caused serious damage in the region.

The population is advised to closely monitor weather alerts and follow the instructions of the authorities, as the impact of Hurricane Oscar could have significant consequences in the region.

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