A Cuban offers his Moskvitch to give a ride to deliver donations in San Antonio del Sur.

The serious situation unleashed in the municipalities of San Antonio del Sur and Imías has sparked a wave of solidarity towards those territories.

 © Facebook/Revolico
Photo © Facebook/Revolico

A Cuban published a message this Thursday offering his private car, a Moskvitch, to make a trip this Friday to San Antonio del Sur to deliver donations to those affected by Hurricane Oscar.

"I offer my car for tomorrow to take donations to San Antonio del Sur. 51463617," wrote Wilmer Fernández in the Facebook group Revolico Guantanamero.

The post garnered over 9,400 reactions and more than 1,700 comments in just a few hours, many of which praised his gesture, while others provided specific information about churches or places that have donations but lack transportation to deliver them, something that is not surprising considering the critical fuel situation in Cuba.

Wilmer's gesture is just one of the many that have multiplied across the country in recent hours to coordinate different solidarity initiatives, whether from individuals, religious figures from various ecclesiastical confessions, or independent activists.

From Santiago de Cuba, Monsignor García Ibáñez, Archbishop of that province, called for those who can to come to the Closing Mass of the Jubilee Year for the 500 Years of the Diocese of Santiago de Cuba, scheduled to be held this Saturday, October 26, at 9:30 a.m. in the Holy Cathedral, to help "the Guantanamo brothers."

"We have deemed it appropriate to contribute, from what little we have, to our Guantanamo brothers who have been affected by the passing of Hurricane Oscar," stated the Archbishop, who specified that Monsignor Silvano Pedrosa, Bishop of Guantánamo-Baracoa, will be present at the mass.

"It would be a good opportunity to deliver what we have been able to collect among us. It would be a gesture of deep ecclesial and human significance. Charity unites us. Let us be generous. The parish priests and community leaders can gather the gifts and bring them to the Cathedral that day. They can deposit them in the parish hall of the cathedral where they will be prepared for delivery," he concluded.


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