A Cuban in Spain reflects on the challenges of finding work as an immigrant: "It has happened to all of us."

A Cuban in Spain discusses job rejection due to being an immigrant.

Anabel Figueroa (@anabel_figueroaf) is a Cuban residing in Spain who shared a video on TikTok about the challenges many immigrants, like herself, encounter when searching for work abroad. In her message, she addresses those who, like her, have faced job rejection and disdain simply for being immigrants.

"If you are an immigrant like me, if you have been made to feel bad at work, if you have been fired or your CV has been dismissed, you are not alone. This has happened to all of us," he begins by saying in the video.

The Cuban woman describes the frustration of having had a career and a job in her home country, where she was valued for her talent, only to face a very different reality upon arriving in Spain. However, her message is clear: one should not lose hope.

"If there in your country you had your job and your career and you were valued for who you are, and here it's very different, don't feel bad; it has happened to all of us," she continues. The young woman also mentions the deception that many emigrants often face, who trust employers that promise them opportunities, only to be dismissed shortly after.

But despite these difficulties, their message is one of resilience and hope. "Tomorrow I will start searching for a job again. For all those who want to denigrate us for being emigrants, study a bit of your country’s history because your own people also emigrated and were welcomed in another country," they conclude.

With a note of optimism, the Cuban encourages her fellow countrymen to move forward: "Keep your head held high, for there is still much for Cubans venturing into the world to prove."

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Former editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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Izabela Pecherska

Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Former editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.