He sends a cell phone to his family in Cuba, but instead they give him screws and chicken broth.

The affected person accuses Correos de Cuba of having manipulated and looted the contents of the package.

A Cuban living in Spain and identified as Idisleidys Sosa reported that she sent a cellphone to her uncle in Cuba, but instead, he received a box filled with screws and chicken broth packets.

The woman said indignantly that she sent a package with a cell phone and two pairs of glasses for her uncle, but when he received it, the glasses were intact, while in the cell phone box there were only screws and chicken broth packets.

Sosa described the incident as "a lack of respect" and expressed his disappointment with the Cuban postal service, which he accuses of having tampered with and plundered the contents of the package.

"It's incredible that you trust an institution to deliver a package to your family and end up receiving something like this," he expressed in a comment sent to CiberCuba Noticias.

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Sosa, who lives in Santa Cruz de Tenerife (Canary Islands), detailed that she sent the package from Spain through Correos de Cuba to the town of Perico, Matanzas.

Likewise, the family members filed a complaint at the Post Office in Perico, but since there was no electricity, they processed the case manually and told them to come back the next day to see "what they could do."

Explain to CiberCuba that the package had been in Cuba since September 27, as they could see through the online tracking. On October 1, the family in Cuba found out after calling that the postal transport picked it up in Matanzas; however, it wasn't until today, October 16, that they were called from the office in Perico to pick it up.

Her cousin picked her up, and the postal worker saw that the package was half open; when they opened it, they discovered the theft of the cellphone.

In the video, the affected man's daughter can be heard exclaiming: "Look aunt, they stole my dad's cell phone. What a lack of respect, I'm speechless, some screws"; while the man complained: "Look at what they threw in," showing the contents.

The affected party filed a formal complaint with the authorities and demanded a response from the state-owned company.

Sosa concluded his complaint with a warning: "Let's see if they have the courage to face it."

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