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A Cuban mother has raised her voice to demand justice following the tragic death of her son Kevin, allegedly due to medical negligence at the "General Luis Milanés Tamayo" Provincial Pediatric Teaching Hospital in Granma Province.
In a message shared on social media, the child's mother, Dayanis León, recounted the circumstances that led to the tragedy and demanded that those responsible face consequences.
"I need help in sharing this. I need justice for my baby. He was killed due to a lack of medical attention at the children's hospital in Bayamo. My baby was taken there more than seven times, and they sent us home without making any diagnosis," León wrote in the Facebook group "Revolico Compra-Venta Bayamo."
According to the report, the last time she took the child to the hospital, he was already in a delicate condition. “Still, they moved me to a regular room, asking that he be attended to in the intensive care unit because he was really unwell. With a supposed suspicion of dengue, they never performed any ultrasounds to check if the child had fluid,” the mother added.
León points out that the lack of timely diagnosis and inappropriate medical decisions worsened the child's condition. "The child became more complicated while in the hospital, and the doctors weren't doing anything," he added.
"On Sunday, his condition began to worsen, and he was transferred to therapy, but it only lasted 45 minutes. They couldn't save him. If they had performed the ultrasound from the very beginning, they would have known he had fluid and could have treated him in time," he expressed.
The mother also criticized the organization of the medical staff at the hospital, asserting that there were doctors specializing in General Integral Medicine (MGI) in the emergency room instead of pediatric specialists. "It's a lack of respect that in that children's hospital, MGI doctors are the ones on duty and barely examine your baby," she complained.
In another post, the mother described the situation as "desperate" and pointed out that in the hospital "being there is the same as death."
She also promised to seek justice for her son. "I will take this to the highest level. Those who supposedly took care of you will pay," she concluded.
The family continues to seek support for the responsible parties to face the consequences of what they believe to be a series of medical negligence incidents that took the life of their young child.
The case has sparked a wave of outrage on social media, with many expressing solidarity with the mother and calling for the authorities to investigate what happened. So far, there has been no official statement from the Ministry of Public Health of Cuba or the hospital authorities.
The tragedy once again highlights the deficiencies of the Cuban healthcare system, where the lack of resources, specialized personnel, and equipment exacerbates conditions for handling medical emergencies.
In October 2024, a man in Las Tunas reported the death of his mother, who was admitted to the hospital with a hip fracture and a respiratory condition that was overlooked by the medical staff.
That same month, in Havana, a family reported the death of a patient who was left unattended in a room, despite his critical condition.
Another case occurred in Santiago de Cuba, where a woman showing symptoms of dengue was sent home without a clear diagnosis. She later passed away due to complications that could have been prevented with early medical attention.
In September, in Cienfuegos, two doctors were disciplined following the death of a child who did not receive the necessary treatment, marking one of the few instances in which the authorities officially acknowledged negligence.
Frequently Asked Questions about Medical Negligence in Cuba
What happened to Dayanis León's son in the Granma hospital?
The son of Dayanis León allegedly passed away due to medical negligence at the "General Luis Milanés Tamayo" Provincial Pediatric Teaching Hospital in Granma. The mother reported that her son was taken to the hospital several times without receiving an appropriate diagnosis, which worsened his condition until his death. She criticized the lack of timely care and diagnosis, as well as the presence of non-specialized doctors.
What deficiencies stand out in the Cuban health system?
The Cuban healthcare system faces deficiencies such as a lack of resources, specialized personnel, and equipment. These shortcomings worsen the conditions for addressing medical emergencies, and multiple cases of medical negligence have been reported in various provinces of the country, leading to outrage and distrust among the population.
What other cases of medical negligence have been reported in Cuba recently?
Several cases of medical negligence have been reported in Cuba, affecting both children and adults. In Las Tunas, a woman died after her respiratory condition was overlooked; in Santiago de Cuba, a woman with dengue symptoms passed away after being sent home without a diagnosis. In Cienfuegos, two doctors were disciplined following the death of a child due to inadequate treatment.
What measures have been taken against those responsible for medical negligence in Cuba?
In some cases, the authorities have sanctioned the healthcare professionals responsible. However, the penalties are often minimal, such as salary deductions, and in many instances, the families of the victims have not received satisfactory answers or justice for their losses.
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