Medical negligence
“Forgotten by the next day”: Cuban mother demands medical attention for her son after an accident in Guantánamo
Cuban denounces medical negligence in Havana; the government responds by denying the accusations
Cuban mother demands justice after her son's death due to alleged medical negligence in Granma
From the cry for freedom to death in prison: At least four protesters from the 11J have died
Muere por desnutrición otro recluso en cárcel de Santiago de Cuba
The health system crisis impacts tourism in Cuba
Inmate dies in Santiago de Cuba prison: Family members report neglect and hunger
The Girón Building faces a critical situation in Havana following a fire and neglect
Cuban man reports his mother's death due to medical negligence in Las Tunas: "there was no endoscope."
Cuban man denounces negligence at a hospital in Havana: They let my mother die while under observation
Cuban woman with dengue symptoms dies after being sent home due to lack of supplies in hospital
Family doctors are sanctioned for not intervening in the case of a Cuban child who underwent surgery following dipyrone injections
A Cuban baby undergoes emergency surgery after receiving an injection of dipyrone in Palma Soriano
A man in Florida has died after undergoing surgery in which his liver was mistakenly removed instead of his spleen
MINSAP blames Cuban mother for her baby's death for giving him "marjoram tea."
Dirección de Salud de Las Tunas responde a denuncia por cubana fallecida por paludismo tras volver de Angola
Medical negligence reported in the death of a Cuban man in Cienfuegos
They bid farewell at home to a 17-year-old who passed away in Santiago de Cuba
Dismay over the death of a 17-year-old teenager in Santiago de Cuba
Young man dies due to alleged medical negligence in Santiago de Cuba
Emotional and massive farewell to a young person who passed away in Cuba due to alleged medical negligence
Denuncian la muerte de una cubana por negligencia médica en hospital de Camagüey
Cuban mother erupts in outrage over her baby's death due to alleged medical negligence
A two-year-old Cuban boy dies due to alleged medical negligence
Testimony of a Cuban doctor convicted for negligence in Bayamo: "It is a complete injustice."
Cuban woman reports her mother's death due to medical negligence and lack of resources in Bayamo: "They didn't even have a blood pressure monitor."
Resident doctor convicted in Bayamo: “He lost the Public Health of this country.”
Young Cuban dies from dengue after alleged medical negligence
Cuban father calls for justice over alleged medical negligence following his son's death from cancer
Cuban father seeks help to heal his daughter: "How do you tell her that there are no doctors or resources in her country?"