"The benches" heat up over Lebron James' tweet in response to Donald Trump

This week Trump threatened to wipe North Korea off the map, invented a country that doesn't exist - Nambia - and called some NFL athletes "sons of bitches."

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This article is from 6 years ago

Lebron James, one of the most charismatic sports figures in the United States and for many the best basketball player today, joined the controversy unleashed by the president of the United States, Donald Trump, who in the last few hours called "sons of bitch" - in a general way - to all the NFL athletes who refuse to listen to the anthem of the American nation while standing, and do so, with one knee on the ground.

The former Miami Heats star responded to a tweet from the Republican president, who told Stephen Curry - another NBA star - that "visiting the White House was a great honor. To which the Cavaliers star He responded via Twitter: "It was an honor, until you showed up there."

The origin of the conflict is old, and more than anything, it is a problem that Trump seems to want to ignore, just as he did in the first days after the conflict unleashed in the small town of Charlottesville, Virginia, by the removal of Confederate statues, and which resulted in the death of Heather Heyer and a dozen injured.

On this occasion, Trump's words - sons of bitches, or sons of bitches, depending on the translation - were addressed to all those African-American athletes - or not - members of the National Football Association, NFL, national sport in the United States, who have refused to listen to the anthem standing as a sign of protest against the treatment that the police give to black people in many cities in the country.

Trump said, during a rally in Alabama, that "NFL owners should fire players who kneel during the national anthem."

The American president explained that he would like it if a player does not salute the anthem in the correct way, standing, that the NFL leaders would take action on the matter and demand that they "take that son of a bitch off the field."

It hasn't been a good week for Trump. Not only did he alarm the world by proclaiming at the United Nations building that the United States would be able and willing to wipe North Korea off the map, but he also invented a country that does not exist (Nambia).

Now the invitation of the current NBA champion team, the Warriors, has been withdrawn after several players expressed their desire to "not go" to the White House.

Kobe Bryant said that "a name that inspired anger and disunity could not make America great again," while Chris Paul, another NBA player, said he doubted Trump was man enough to say it to his face. to NFL players, "sons of bitches"

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