Cuban journalist Michel Contreras attacks commentator Renier González

Controversy following the performances of Leo Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo in the World Cup in Russia.

Michel Contreras y Reinier González en sendas imágenes de archivo © Facebook / Cubadebate
Michel Contreras and Reinier González in separate archive images Photo © Facebook / Cubadebate

This article is from 5 years ago

Cuban journalist Michel Contreras attacked the island's sports commentator Renier González following the elimination of Argentina and Portugal in the World Cup in Russia.

The first showed, through his Facebook profile, his indignation at what he considers a "blind anti-Messi and pro-Cristiano bias."

In this sense, he criticized González for what he considers unequal treatment due to the performance of both stars in the elimination of their teams at the hands of France and Uruguay respectively.

Below we reproduce the published text in full:

I say this with all the indignation of a journalist who has three truckloads of journalistic coverage and more than two decades in the cultivation of the most beautiful profession in the world. How far is Reinier González's disrespect going to go, overwhelming the profession in every World Cup game with his blind anti-Messi and pro-Cristiano bias? I am the first to maintain that impartiality does not exist; total, even when choosing a tie you take sides (Sartre dixit).

So I understand that he has whatever preference he wants, also declared in an infamous home video where he made his positions clear with added secondary details. But from one thing to the other it goes a long way.

Sergio Ortega himself shows that you can be biased with restraint; that you can manipulate information and take the reins of majority opinion without giving up the weapons of common sense and moderation. Examples of what I say can be found in every broadcast from Argentina and Portugal (I have them all recorded in HD, because I also know how to be an obsessive psychopath), and without a doubt yesterday's broadcast put the well-known lid on the famous pomito: when the final whistle of the Uruguay-Portugal, a funereal voice expanded in praise for what CR7 had done and not done, and what if this and that, and what if the further, to close with some commendable words (some compliments ) for Cavani and the Uruguayans who had just advanced to the round of 16 with great merit.

His sadness came out in such a vulgar way that everyone who was next to me, Madrid fans and Barcelona fans, messianists and Christians, atheists and believers, let out a unanimous "no." He threw it away!, my friend Arzuaga would say. And no one is above the law and journalism.

To spit out their fanaticism on social media, like me, but not on a television broadcast or in written coverage. So demanding that we are with so much nonsense in the UPEC and the ICR, and so much lukewarm cloth and stupid view that we try with such elementary violations of ethical principles. Oh my God, put a satellite dish near my house, please!

What do you think?


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Jose Nacher

CiberCuba journalist. Graduate in Journalism from the CEU Cardenal Herrera University of Valencia, Spain. Editor at Siglo XXI, Agencia EFE, Las Provincias y El Mundo.

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