They charge another crime against the Cuban accused of terrorism in Colombia for saying that he was going to attack Timochenko

In a radio interview he confessed that he had arrived in Bogotá to plan an attack against the former FARC guerrilla, the former presidential candidate Gustavo Petro and the Cuban embassy.

Raúl Gutiérrez Sánchez, cubano acusado de colaborar con el ISIS. © Raúl Gutiérrez Sánchez / Facebook
Raúl Gutiérrez Sánchez, Cuban accused of collaborating with ISIS. Photo © Raúl Gutiérrez Sánchez / Facebook

This article is from 5 years ago

Cuban Raúl Gutiérrez Sánchez, detained on March 12 in Colombia, accused of terrorism for allegedly planning an attack on a restaurant where US officials used to go, has just been charged with a new crime.

According to the Colombian newspaper The viewer, they accuse him of conspiracy to commit a crime after he declared in an interview he gave to a Colombian radio two months ago that he had arrived in the country with the intention of attacking the former FARC guerrilla Rodrigo Londoño Echeverri, alias Timochenko, and the former candidate for the presidency Gustavo Petro.

In that same interview he also assured that he had arrived in Colombia to attack the Cuban embassy.

After these statements Raúl Guitérrez Sánchez was questioned again. His lawyer asked that a psychiatric examination be performed on him, but the doctors assure that he is sane and the Paloquemao Prosecutor's Office blamed him for the new crime.

The arrest of Cuban Raúl Gutiérrez was considered a case of "national security", which led Colombian authorities to extend investigations in Argentina and Spain.

The Police consider that he suffered a radicalization process six months before his arrest. Investigators caught him in online conversations in which he was planning a terrorist attack for Tuesday the 13th.

An economist graduated from the University of Central Florida, Raúl Gutiérrez Sánchez, 46, had a fast food establishment in Colombia called Tumbao & Sazón, but it suffered a fire so he decided to open a new establishment west of Bogotá.

His neighbors defined him after his arrest as a "kind and hard-working" man.

Gutiérrez has clarified that he is not an agent of the Cuban State Security.

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