Four accused of Moscow attack show signs of torture when appearing in court

During the hearing, all the accused were inside a glass booth and guarded by hooded police officers.

Four of those involved in theattack on hundreds of concertgoers at Crocus City Hall in Krasnogorsk, a northern suburb of Moscow, were taken to court this Sunday, visibly beaten.

The four appeared before the court in different conditions, one was in a wheelchair, another was hunched over and almost without apparent consciousness during the hearing, one could be seen with one ear covered, several international media describe.

During the hearing, everyone was inside a glass booth and guarded by hooded police officers.

“The Basmanny District Court of Moscow formally chargedDalerdzhon Mirzoyev, 32 years old;Saidakrami Rachabalizoda, 30;Shamsidin Fariduni, 25, andMukhammadsobir Faizov, 19, of committing a group terrorist attack that led to the death of other people. The crime carries a maximum sentence of life imprisonment,” he said in his report.AP.

In a statement published on Telegram, the Court reported that, in the preliminary session, two of the terrorists had declared themselves authors of the events thatcost the lives of more than 150 people; while Russian media had previously said that everyone had acknowledged their participation in the massacre committed last Friday, March 22.

In the official letter, the Court said that Mirzoyev had "fully admitted his guilt" and that Rachabalizoda also acknowledged it.

The four men were arrested in the Bryansk region, about 400 kilometers southwest of Moscow, 14 hours after the attack occurred, according to Russia's Federal Security Service (FSB).

Russian state news agencyTass, stated that the men are natives of Tajikistan, a country north of Afghanistan.

The four will remain in preventive detention until at least May 22, the court added in its information.

Seven other people have been arrested in Russia on suspicion of helping in the attack.

Capture of X/Lord Bebo

Also on Sunday, several media outlets echoedstrong images where you can see the terrorists who attacked and murdered several concertgoers in Moscow in cold blood.

The sequence, very graphic and chilling, reflects how they machine-gunned several people and cut the throat of an injured man lying on the ground.

The Islamic State (IS) claimed responsibility for the massacre, but both the Russian president,Vladimir Putin, as the deputy head of the Russian Security Council,Dmitri Medvédev They have refrained from echoing the claim of the attack by ISIS.

However, Medvedev affirmed this Sunday that all those involved will be “legitimate targets” of Russia.

“We will avenge everyone. And those involved, regardless of their country of origin or status, will from now on be our legitimate and main target,” Medvedev wrote on Telegram, according toWHICH.

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