El Puma announces its return to the stage, one year after the lung transplant in Miami

José Luis Rodríguez returns to the stage, after a "miracle of life."

El Puma y su profesor de canto © Twitter/ José Luis Rodríguez
El Puma and his singing teacher Photo © Twitter/ José Luis Rodríguez

This article is from 5 years ago

Miami, 17 dic (Ephesus).- Venezuelan singer José Luis Rodríguez "El Puma"announced today his return to music and the stage, one year after the "miracle of life" that was for him tlung scraping that he underwent in a Miami hospital.

"Today I celebrate one year of being born again, not in the spirit, but in my body," wrote the 75-year-old Venezuelan artist, who stressed that he only has "words of gratitude."

In his message to commemorate the 12 months that have passed since he was operated on on December 17, 2017 at the Jackson Memorial Hospital in the city of Miami, El Puma mentioned the doctors and hospital staff, his family, friends and assistants. , to the donor and his family, and to "the thousands of fans from all countries."

But above all things to "my Heavenly Father, Christ and the Holy Spirit," he stressed.

Sources close to Rodríguez assuredWhich one, that the singer of hits like "Pavo Real" or "Señora Bonita" has maintained his desire to return to the stage.

"It is what has given him the most strength, in addition to his family, to maintain impressive discipline in the therapies and medication regimen he must take," they said.

The plans, according to the star, are to release a new album, the second with the support of his record company andRicardo Montaner, who produced his album "Inmenso", which was released in the first quarter of 2017.

"Thank you Montaner, thank youMr. Francisco, thank you Sony Music, especially (executives) Afo (Verde) and Nir (Seroussi) and everyone who has helped me. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU," he added.

Both Rodríguez and Montaner came to think that "Inmenso" would be El Puma's last album.

The singer's lungs were a mass of scar tissue as a result of the advanced idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis that he had suffered since 2000 and he could not breathe well.

His body received little oxygen, which made mobility difficult and forced him to have a tank perpetually at his side.

"I even told Ricardo to hurry up,Well, I wasn't going to make it (I live to finish it)", revealed the singer himself in a press conference shortly after being discharged. That was at the beginning of 2017.

Today, Rodríguez works intensively with a team of therapists, among whom is a voice coach. "He remains very sensitive," the sources indicated.

His team assured that the same discipline that allowed him to be an ideal candidate for the double lung transplant at the age of 74, "is what he has demonstrated to overcome the physical and emotional difficulties of the process."

"His faith and his inner strength are solid," said a person close to the singer, who preferred to remain anonymous and acknowledged that these 12 months have been "hard and full of challenges. It is something that he will have to deal with from now on." from now on, but at an increasingly lower level.

Rodríguez himself, who will turn 76 on January 14, confirmed it in his message: "I have meditated a lot this year and I have learned a very strong life lesson? I learned, among other things, that the word desert means the place where GOD speaks. "That desert can be a terminal illness, a financial problem, a family problem."

"The truth is that you have to cross that desert until you reach the sea. All the rivers leave the sea to which they have to return, but they have to create their own channel," he added. "In this transit, it is forbidden to complain and it is forbidden to forget."

The artist assured that he will carry that message of "rebirth" like that of "the story of the eagle", when he "tours the countries, cities, towns, and that will be starting in February 2019."

In his last concert, which he gave in Colombia in September 2016, he had to be assisted by an oxygen cylinder.

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