Bad Bunny interrupts his European tour to join the protests in Puerto Rico

Bad Bunny, Residente and Ricky Martin are some of the Puerto Rican artists who have raised their voices about the situation in their country.

Bad Bunny interrumpe su gira por Europa © Instagram / Bad Bunny
Bad Bunny interrupts his European tour Photo © Instagram / Bad Bunny

This article is from 4 years ago

Bad Bunny has joined the list of Puerto Rican singers who have raised their voices to demand the resignation of the governor of Puerto Rico Ricardo Roselló after a series of private messages from him with other collaborators came to light in which they made sexist, derogatory comments. and homophobic towards other politicians, artists and journalists.

He Bad bunny has decided to interrupt his European tour to travel to Puerto Rico and take to the streets and participate in the demonstration that is scheduled for this Wednesday in San Juan.

"I'm going to stop and take a plane to go out with my people," said the interpreter of Walled in an extensive video that he published on social networks.

Another of the singers who has also been very active about this scandal has been the rapper René Cano - better known as Resident-, who has also called for the governor's resignation on different platforms.

For its part, Ricky Martin -who was mentioned disparagingly in this chat- also expressed his indignation after the controversial conversation became known through social networks and encouraged his followers to take to the streets last Monday.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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