Maluma is single! His breakup with Natalia Barulich is confirmed

The couple had not shown signs of complicity for weeks.

This article is from 4 years ago

MalumaandNatalia Barulich They have put an end to their relationship after two years together, as confirmedPeople in spanish with sources close to the couple.

The singer and the model met during the filming of the video clip forHappy four and since then they had made the world witness to their love through romantic posts on networks and interviews.

But the absence of photographs together and the physical distance they had maintained in recent weeks set off alarm bells among their fans.

Their last meeting would have been after the concert that the Colombian gave in Los Angeles, when they were seen together for the last time.

Since then, both remained focused on their respective work commitments, without showing signs of complicity between them.

In the midst of this distance, rumors began to circulate about a possible rapprochement between the Cuban-Croat and the soccer player Neymar, after he shared a photograph of them in Paris.

Natalia Barulich con Neymar
Screenshot Instagram / Neymar

At the moment the reasons for the breakup are unknown and neither of them have wanted to make any statements about it.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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