Bad Bunny makes history with 'YHLQMDLG': The Spanish-language album that has reached the highest on Billboard

Historical record! Bad Bunny reaches the highest position on Billboard with an album in Spanish

Bad Bunny © Instagram / Bad Bunny
Bad Bunny Photo © Instagram / Bad Bunny

This article is from 4 years ago

Bad Bunny He continues to triumph in the world of Latin music, where he is already considered one of the great exponents of the urban genre.

The 26-year-old artist is one of the stars of the moment and his success story does not stop growing. His latest feat: reaching the highest position for a Spanish-language album on the Billboard 200 list with his albumYHLQMDLG, which debuted this week in second position on the prestigious compilation.

In summary, the new production has become the best debut that a Spanish-language album has had on the Billboard 200 list.

The Puerto Rican released his second solo album on February 29 and with it he has made history on the renowned list. According to the publication, Bad Bunny has managed to sell more than 179 thousand copies of his album in the United States, a figure he reached just one week after the release.

Faced with the news, the singer has expressed his joy on social networks, where he has not shared some of his photos and screenshots of the publication that certify his historical record.

"My vision goes beyond numbers, that's why they arrive alone. Thank you to everyone who believed and continues to believe. Everything I do, I do it because I feel it and I don't think about it. I do it for you who have faith in me. I do it because I feel like it. I love them. Historical YHLGMDLG", wrote the interpreter ofWalled to celebrate the achievement.

A few days ago theBad bunny was crowned as one of the winners of the Spotify Awards and a month ago he went on stage at the Super Bowl to participate in thespectacular interlude starring Shakira and Jennifer Lopez.

Congratulations, Bad Bunny!

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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