Elena Tablada, proud of her Cuban roots with her newborn daughter

Elena Tablada is "Cubanizing" her daughter Camila, the result of her marriage to Javier Ungría, from the cradle

Elena Tablada con su segunda hija © Instagram / Elena Tablada
Elena Tablada with her second daughter Photo © Instagram / Elena Tablada

This article is from 3 years ago

Elena Tablada radiates happiness after the arrival of her second daughter, Camila, the result of her marriage to the businessman Javier Ungría. And of course, taking into account the pride she feels in her Cuban roots, from the first moment the baby came into their lives a month ago, the designer has been imposing her Caribbean origins on her.

It is no secret to anyone that the ex of David Bisbal She is very proud of her Caribbean roots and feels a great attachment to the island, since her parents are Cubans who left the country in search of a better future. For this reason, she married the businessman in Havana, specifically in the same church where her grandparents were married more than 70 years ago.

And now that his second daughter has come into his life, he has brought out his "Cubanness" more than ever with little Camila. A few days ago, she published a beautiful photograph in which we saw the baby sleeping in his mother's arm with a bodysuit that said "Cuban Bred", which translates as 'raised Cuban'.

Along with the sweet image, he expressed: "People tell me not to get used to holding you, that I'm going to spoil you and I'm going to regret it... I don't care, I'm going to get you like I did with your sister so that you grow up just as overflowing with love as her. Life is fragile and time is valuable. You will have time to fly with your own wings and I will give you everything in my hands to make you happy #cubanbred. 50% My bread with butter".

But he is not only "Cubanizing" the little girl in terms of fashion, but also musically. This Wednesday he published some videos in the Instagram stories section dancing with the little girl in his arms to the mythical song Guantanamo, specifically Willy Chirino's version.

Although Elena Tablada was born and raised in Madrid, she has a great feeling of affection towards Cuba, where at the end of 2018 she married businessman Javier Ungría.

"Cuba always with me," she wrote a few months after the wedding on her Instagram profile, making it very clear that the Island is very present in her daily life.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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