Interview with Cuban Lilian Estévez after the success of her version of "Hawái" by Maluma

His response to Maluma exceeds 1.3 million views on Instagram and inspired Beatriz Luengo to make her own version

Lilian Estévez © Instagram / Lilian Estévez
Lilian Estevez Photo © Instagram / Lilian Estévez

This article is from 3 years ago

If you've spent any time on social media in recent days, there's no way you haven't come across a young Cuban woman's viral response to Maluma singing a female version of his hit Hawaii. As of today, the video in question has more than 1.3 million views and its author has experienced firsthand the power of social networks, experiencing a notable increase in the number of followers of her account on Instagram.

His name is Lilian "Lili" Estevez, is 22 years old, is from Puerto Padre (Cuba) and has ensured that his talent for composition and his beautiful voice remain recorded in the minds of thousands of Internet users by singing the alternative lyrics that he composed inspired by Hawaii by Maluma.

Such was the impact of this video that recognized faces such as Beatriz Luengo, Yulien Oviedo, Diliamne Jouve (wife of reggaeton artist Jacob Forever) or Baby Lores They reacted to it. Even this fragment sung by Lili was the one that inspired the wife of Yotuel Romero to create his own version of the theme Pretty Boy.

But before revolutionizing the networks with the version of Hawaii, she already posted other female versions of other musical hits and on her profile we found covers of songs like If you go de Ozuna y Sech o Single woman de Daddy Yankee, Bad Bunny y Lunay.

Thanks to the reach of his viral video, his community of followers on Instagram has exceeded 40 thousand followers, a figure that continues to increase, as do the reproductions of his response to Maluma.

It seems that this young promise of music has landed on social networks to stay. And for a long time!

From CyberCuba, we have spoken with this talented Cuban about music, social networks, the popularity she achieved in such a short time and her upcoming projects.

Question: Your talent for composition is undeniable, but your voice is also very special. From when you sing? Have you ever taken singing lessons?

R: Since I was little I liked writing songs, what I didn't know was that I would want to dedicate myself to that completely in the future. I have always liked to sing, but I started publicly uploading covers on the networks in 2018. I have never taken singing classes.

Q: On your Instagram profile you have several versions of songs by different artists, what motivated you to share your talent on social networks? How did this come about?

R: Well, one day it occurred to me to make a female version of Another drink from Sech, because I loved it. As a woman I can understand the different emotions that are felt, and I thought it was great to create a version from our point of view so that many can identify, and to share with the public what I am so passionate about doing: writing. And that's what I've done with several songs that I love, like Single woman from Lunay, If you go by Ozuna and Sech and recently with Hawai by Maluma.

Q: Your response to Maluma was a bomb on Instagram, where in just a few days it exceeded one million views. Did you ever imagine the success it was going to have?

R: For me the success and good acceptance of the latter cover on the networks it has been an incredible surprise. I had no idea how far I could go.

Q: Some well-known faces of Cuban music and the international scene have reacted to your version of Hawaii. Even Beatriz Luengo was inspired by your answer to make her own! What do all these recognitions mean to you?

R: I am very happy and grateful for so much support and recognition. It is an honor for me that artists have reacted to my work and even have versions made in their style using my lyrics. It is truly rewarding!

Q: To know a little more about you, could you tell us three artists who were decisive in making you want to dedicate yourself to music?

R: I really admire all the great artists, I consider that each one has something special and different to offer. But if you ask me to mention three, I think I couldn't miss Daddy Yankee, Ricardo Arjona and Sech.

Q: What does your environment think? Is there any figure that moves you to continue creating music and develop in this facet?

R: My biggest motivation to continue making music is my family. My partner and I work as a team to give them the best we can. And for me it is too incredible to enjoy them while doing what I am most passionate about in the world, which is composing.

Q: After this success, your number of followers has grown significantly and there are many people who are hoping to continue listening to versions like that of HawaiiWhat plans do you have from now on? What is your next step after this success? Will we continue listening to covers or do you also plan to release your own compositions?

R: After the good acceptance of the public, my main focus is to provide them with a lot of music to enjoy. Both female versions of good songs, as well as my own compositions. I am very eager to be able to show and finish the projects I have prepared.

Now it is Lilian Estévez's turn to reap the fruits of all the work of these last few years and continue delighting her followers with her creations, so all that remains is to wish this young Cuban a resounding success and wait to see what she surprises her audience with next. Good luck, Lilian!

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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