Yasel Porto responds to a new grievance from an ICRT official: "I live and will live in Cuba for as long as I decide"

Porto wished them “luck” in the absurd war they waged against him and warned that they were not going to achieve their objective.

Periodista deportivo cubano Yasel Porto © Bola Viva
Cuban sports journalist Yasel Porto Photo © Bola Viva

This article is from 3 years ago

The renowned Cuban sports journalist Yasel Porto Through a post on the social network Facebook, he criticized a comment made about him by an official of the Cuban Institute of Radio and Television whom he decided not to identify.

“An ICRT official whose name is the least important because I really hate writing it and because he is one of several who are on that rope with a certain power of decision, questioned a friend of mine why I continued living in my home, that is, in Cuba, that I had to be in the United States simply because I did not think ideologically the same as this hateful subject and that only for that reason he has always rejected me," the post published this Sunday begins by saying.

After this, Porto assured that he would continue living in Cuba for as long as he determined and for the reasons he considered and that, in addition, he slept every day with a clear conscience because of the type of person he is and will be.

For him, the attitudes of these “characters” make him sad, because he considers that they had gotten to where they were through cheap opportunism, but that tomorrow “they would be nothing” nor were they used to seeing “more colors than black and white.” ” nor to respect those who think differently.

“It has to end like that spectacular ending of the movie Conducta. "They have not understood anything, or better yet, they have never been interested in understanding that I am not the enemy," concludes the journalist who also urged these "officials" to see if he could sleep peacefully with the number of people "whom they had harmed with their actions." baseness.”

It is not the first time that Yasel Porto shares through social networks his feelings about decisions made in the governing body of Cuban radio and television that have ended up harming him.

Already in July 2019, the now columnist of Alma Mater and editor in the middle Swing Completo, had drawn attention to the decision to exclude him from the delegation and work team that would carry out coverage of the Lima 2019 Pan American Games.

The high point came at the end of that same year, when it was separated from the program Live Ball following statements critical of the Cuban Baseball Federation. “The Cuba team is the reflection of the National Series and this is the reflection, to a large extent, of Cuban sports and social problems. "I think there should be a new president of the Cuban Baseball Federation (FCB)," he said at that time in said program.

However, by then, his other projects such as Always Baseball O Sports Video Library remained on the news grid of the Tele Rebelde channel, until in February of this year the channel's directors decided not to renew his contract..

In an editorial that appeared on February 5 in Swing Completo, Porto presented his arguments about those events, under the title "My truth and goodbye to Cuban national TV".

“The dissatisfaction with my good compliance with the editorial policy in these media was the reason given by the directors of these channels directly and indirectly, including the rejection of certain comments (not only that of Bola Viva on November 13),” he said.

“This, together with my work on social networks inside and outside of Cuba, which, however, and it is very appropriate to clarify, has existed for years through projects such as Jonronazo and Swing Completo. There was never any objection or call for attention for it,” the journalist clarified.

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Gabriel Garcia

Graduated in Journalism from the Faculty of Communication of the University of Havana in 2015. Frustrated athlete, balls, strikes and goals occupy most of his time.

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