Sarita Sosa will challenge José José's will that declares his ex-wife universal heir

Last Monday, Anel Noreña was declared the singer's universal heir in a will that was read in Mexico City.

Anel Noreña con sus hijos y Sarita Sosa junto a José José © Instagram / Anel Noreña, Sarita Sosa
Anel Noreña with her children and Sarita Sosa with José José Photo © Instagram / Anel Noreña, Sarita Sosa

This article is from 2 years ago

The tension between the two families of Jose jose becomes accentuated again after reading the supposed will of the Prince of Song in Mexico City that declares Anel Noreña, second ex-wife of the deceased singer and mother of two of his children, as universal heir. A document that the artist's youngest daughter Sarita Sosa She would not be willing to accept and through her lawyer she warned that she would challenge it.

"José from heaven put his family above everything and everyone else," said Anel Noreña emotionally as she left the courthouse on April 5 in Mexico City.

However, just two days after the reading of the will, this Wednesday, April 7, the lawyer of Sarita Sosa and her mother Sara Salazar, widow of José José, declared to the Hoy Día program on Telemundo that this will would not be valid. .

As explained by the defender of both, this document would not be valid since Mexican laws do not have jurisdiction over a US resident, which is the case of José José, who spent the last years of his life in the Sun City, where he died on October 28, 2019. Therefore, Florida law would apply in his case.

"That is fraud, it is absolute fraud. I do not believe it is true. Furthermore, no court in Mexico has jurisdiction over a resident of the United States, period. They know it, the Mexican Court knows it and if someone claims in Mexico that he was Mexican resident is even more false," said lawyer Richard C. Wolfe in the morning.

The legal representative explained that the next steps he will take for his clients will be to "submit a request for administration in Florida to the court, which we will do soon."

"Ask the court in this state of Florida to act in accordance with what his death certificate says, and to also open his estate in this State of Florida. I personally have no idea about anything that is happening in Mexico , because, I repeat, the Mexican court does not have jurisdiction here," he added.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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Izabela Pecherska

Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.