Doctor Alexander Pupo: “The desire for a 180° turn is undeniable in every desperate Cuban”

The young doctor, sanctioned for his criticism of the regime, said that such a feeling is perceived when walking the streets of Cuba, where desperation reigns in the face of so much uncertainty and impossibility to undertake any adventure.

Cubano © CiberCuba
Cuban Photo © CiberCuba

This article is from 2 years ago

Dr. Alexander Pupo stated this Friday that "the desire for a 180° turn is undeniable in every desperate Cuban" due to the country's economic situation.

The young doctor – forced to resign from the profession due to his criticism of the regime – said that such a feeling is perceived when walking the streets of Cuba, where poverty and hopelessness reign.

It is impossible not to see it, not to feel it, not to hear it. The desire for a 180° turn is undeniable in every desperate Cuban, who sees his life pass between crises and endless needs. A misgovernment incapable of looking after its citizens, and that only raises his hand to make life more difficult for the people than it already is," he said in a Facebook post.

He stressed that it is "inevitable not to feel despair in the face of so much uncertainty and impossibility to undertake any adventure in Cuba, of any kind.

For the doctor, Cuba has become a country "without a future, in constant evolution, not reliable even for its own inhabitants".

Pupo mentions the people "who prefer to risk their lives at sea or in the dangerous jungle (of the Darién), than to continue suffering the hardships" to which the government has subjected them.

He assures that this occurs because Cubans lack, even, "the Freedom to be able to shout out loud what hurts them"; and launches a devastating criticism of the regime, which justifies the scarcity, repression and misery experienced by the country's population.

"It is unforgivable to understand that today the dream most pursued by youth is emigration as a method of prosperity. It is intolerable to me to see a group of deluded people waiting for the construction of something that in sixty years has only demonstrated ineptitude and capacity." to destroy lives and separate families, but they continue to blindly trust a group of "old people" who ask them to make "sacrifices" that neither they nor their relatives make," he said.

The doctor also criticizes some sectors of Cuban society: "The streets are full of people without values, illiterate in character, unscrupulous cowards and double standards. That is the legacy that bad elections and populist servility have left us."

The doctor does not forget the repression of which he himself has been a victim for stopping "believing in the system." "I cannot believe in a system that imprisons its people in a genocidal and justifying ideology, I cannot believe in a government that mistreats its people if they do not follow it. I cannot believe in a State that lies to the world and to its own people "I cannot trust a misgovernment that blatantly violates human rights and then denies it as if all people were imbeciles," he emphasizes in his publication.

Last December Pupo was forced to resign from his career as a Neurosurgery resident at the Ernesto Che Guevara Provincial Hospital in Las Tunas due to his criticism of the Castro regime.

The young man had been denouncing various situations that Cubans have to deal with daily, such as the opening of stores in MLC, the lifestyle of the leaders, or the appearance of Decree Laws that threaten the exercise of Human Rights; and for that he was punished.

Since then, he has not stopped being a victim of harassment such as arrests, interrogations and threats by State Security; But he has not left aside his devastating denunciations of the country's situation on social networks.

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