Boxer Julio César la Cruz shouts "Patria y Vida no!" after defeating Enmanuel Reyes in Tokyo

Julio César la Cruz, after defeating the Cuban naturalized Spanish, Enmanuel Reyes Pla, went to the stands and shouted: "Patria y Vida no, Patria or Death, We will win!"

This article is from 2 years ago

The boxer Julius Caesar the Cross, after win in a close fight this Friday against the Cuban Spanish nationalized, Enmanuel Reyes Pla, went to the stands where there was official Cuban representation and shouted: "Not Homeland and Life! Homeland or Death, We Will Win!", a phrase that confirms the political scope of the disputed meeting.

La Cruz described his victory as a "deserved triumph" in a subsequent dialogue with the press, sent to CyberCuba by journalist Matías Sartori. "We are going to overcome this pandemic, we are going to move forward, and trust us that we are going to arrive with the titles for the people," added the athlete, who stressed that boxing has always been the sport that has given the most Olympic joys to the Cubans.

"Everything for Cuba and for the Revolution," said Julio César la Cruz in other statements published by the sports portal Jit, in which he denied having felt pressured by the extra-sports implications of the fight.

"Julio C. la Cruz puts a point in Enmanuel Reyes' mouth with a 4-1 victory. He goes to the semifinal and boxing undefeated in 6 outings," wrote Cuban sports journalist Carlos Hernández Luján on Twitter.

"They have given him the fight. I feel like a winner, they have taken this to the political level"For his part, Enmanuel Reyes Pla said at the end of the fight in statements to the Spanish network. COPE.

"I won cleanly, I came out without a scratch and he knows it. God knows why they gave him the victory, the titles still matter," he added in reference to the record of La Cruz, current Olympic champion and four-time world champion. .

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