Nurse Welsy Cruz on 15N: If we don't do it, tomorrow our children will

“I am going to go out on the 15th for the freedom of Cuba, for a Cuba where there is democracy, where our human rights and even more so the right to freedom of expression are not violated,” said the nurse.

This article is from 2 years ago

Welsy Cruz, a nurse in the oncological emergency service at the Vladimir Ilich Lenin University Hospital in Holguín, toldCyberCubawho remains firm in his decision to leave15N despite the regime's reprisals.

“I am going out on the 15th for the freedom of Cuba, for a Cuba where there is democracy, where our human rights are not violated, and even more so the right to freedom of expression.”said the protester from11J from his home in the city of parks.

Cruz maintains that the authorities have denied the promoters of the15N their right to demonstrate peacefully because“They don't want the world to see that it is all the people of Cuba who are going to take to the streets”, he added in reference to the massive rejection of the island's government.

The primary motivation of someone who has provided her services to Holguín patients for more than 15 years is the reality that surrounds her, her experience as a health professional and the shortcomings she suffers every day:

“I think this way because all kinds of rights have been violated, because where I work there is a lack of medicines and there are people who have been able to save themselves and because of a lack of medicines and due to a lack of medicine and oxygen they have died, because there have been many sick people. "They were on a stretcher outside the hospital under some bushes, that's why I raised my voice, because other people's pain hurts me.".

The police, State security, party leaders and the hospital where she works, as well as representatives of political organizations such as the CDR, even the delegate of the constituency of her area of residence have summoned, visited and harassed the Holguín nurse only for her opinions critical of the political system imposed in Cuba.

“They have used their weapon of psychological terrorism against the Cuban people”, he said and acknowledged that he fears losing his job and going to prison, as has happened to other activists of the11J and of15N.

“They have used my son who is in military service against me, and yet they have not intimidated me and I am not going to change because it would be cynical, it would be a traitor to myself, to my conviction and to my principles to back down knowing that I could do something, that I can do something for my country,” he said..

Cruz was emphatic in rejecting all types of foreign interference, she spoke about the need for Cubans to be able to elect their rulers and their political system, and she addressed today's mothers to speak out for change in Cuba.“If we don't do it, tomorrow our children will.”

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Annarella Grimal

Annarella O'Mahony (or Grimal). Citizen apprentice, with a Master's degree awarded by the University of Limerick (Ireland). He already had children, adopted a pet, planted a tree, and published a book.

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