State security harasses activist Welsimys Cruz before traveling to Guyana with her son

According to complaints on social media, SE agents detained her and later let her board the plane.

Welsimys Cruz © Facebook / Welsimys Cruz
Welsimys Cruz Photo © Facebook / Welsimys Cruz

This article is from 1 year ago

State Security (SE) agents arrested the Cuban nurse and activist this Thursday Welsimys Cruz at the José Martí International Airport, in Havana, when he was preparing to travel to Guyana with his 13-year-old son.

According to complaints made by those close to the Holguín nurse, the agents detained her before boarding the plane and later let her leave for Guyana, where the son must appear for an interview at the United States embassy, as part of the family reunification process initiated by his father.

Facebook screenshot / Yanet Rodríguez

“Until when!” exclaimed her friend María Regla Castro, after explaining Cruz's arrest at the Havana airport.

Facebook capture / María Regla Castro

The activist and nurse has suffered repression and harassment from the regime for months.

Last November she was threatened with prison for demonstrating his intention to march on November 15 against violence and for the release of political prisoners. Three officials tried to intimidate her in her home, but she expressed her willingness to attend the civic march for change on 15N, in response to a call from civil society.

Last January She was arrested when she was on her way to the Provincial People's Court from Holguín to accompany, outside the court, the relatives of the 11J prisoners who would be tried.

In May, the harassment and violence of the SE reached a greater level when she was brutally beaten by five agents, from whom she managed to escape with the help of her neighbors.

In statements to CyberCuba She said that when she left her house in the morning she was dragged by five men who began to beat her until her neighbors intervened to defend her.

The woman reported in a Facebook post that she was not planning to leave her house, she was even in walking clothes, but when she went out into the hallway the repressors tried to stop her.

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