Family of Andy García, imprisoned for the 11J protests, talks about detention and act of repudiation

The family reported that Andy was fasting on November 15th in solidarity with those detained and repressed.

Familia de Andy García / Casa de Andy el 15N © Facebook / Jonathan López
Andy García's family / Andy's house on 15N Photo © Facebook / Jonathan López

This article is from 2 years ago

The young man's familyAndy Garcia Lorenzo, imprisoned for participating in the July 11 demonstrations, told in a live interview this Wednesday what it was likethe act of repudiation that was done to them in front of their house and the arrest of one of the family membersNovember 15.

Roxana García, Andy's sister, her partner Jonathan López Alonso and his father, Pedro López, explained in the live broadcast that they do not plan to stop demanding Andy's freedom and the end of the dictatorship, and that they will continue to inform them of everything. let it happen to them because they know how the government acts.

The family had a strong surveillance operation for two days and were subjected to an act of repudiation, to which they responded by singing and dancing to the song "We want freedom", by Jacob Forever.

Roxana said that every time her brother calls and touches on the topic of November 15, the call drops. The young man finally managed to communicate this Tuesday with his sister through another number and told them that he had spent the 15N fasting and praying for freedom.

The sister also warned that on one of the days when they are allowed to go out to sunbathe and play ball in prison, Andy was being recorded and they surely want to use it "to make it clear that my brother is doing very well there."

Roxana's father-in-law was preparing to leave this Monday and a group of people, including neighbors, told him that he could not leave his house and that if he did they would arrest him.

"I am a free man so I am going out," said Pedro López, who was actually detained by the mob of people and taken to the unit.

López denounced the major who treated him, head of the unit, who "invaded my space, tried to intimidate me, harassed me, disrespected me as a human being and as a man." He also said that they forced him to undress, they searched him, they took photos of him and then they put him in a cell.

López said that that same older man came at some point and threw his arm over him as if they were friends and there was a person with a camera.

"We clarify all the details because we know everything they can use later (...) We are right, but they have the power. That's why I say down with communism, let communism fall now, we don't want to live like this anymore "Lopez said.

The family also reported that they have been without internet service for three days and that they have been connecting through friends. They also explained that they have not wanted to accept recharges or help from those who offer to send money to the card in MLC to help Andy, not because they reject the help that people want to give them, but because they do not want to give the regime any reason to accuse them. you are welcome.

They appreciated the support and assured that the greatest help they can give them is to continue supporting them on social networks and making Andy's case visible.

Andy García Lorenzo, 23, was arrested during the 11J protests in Santa Clara. In October, he announced a hunger strike along with other protesters at La Pendiente prison, to protest mistreatment and the violation of their rights.

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