Cuban catcher Maikel Miñoso signs with Toronto Blue Jays

At only 16 years old, he is already part of the roster of an MLB team.

Receptor cubano Maikel Miñoso firma con Toronto Blue Jays. © Facebook/Maikel Miñoso
Cuban catcher Maikel Miñoso signs with Toronto Blue Jays. Photo © Facebook/Maikel Miñoso

This article is from 2 years ago

Cuban catcher Maikel Miñoso, 16, signed an official contract with the Canadian professional team Toronto Blue Jays, the sports journalist confirmedFrancys Romero.

According to Romero, the young Cuban player signed his signature with the Canadian Major League Baseball (MLB) team this Monday, after several organizations of this type showed interest in him due to his youth and tools.

The Cuban right-handed hitter trained for more than three years at the Yuan Pino Academy in the Dominican Republic, where he demonstrated power, contact and speed. In addition to having a defense that is very well evaluated among Major League scouts.

With this signature, Romero noted, there are now 14 Cubans who have formalized contracts with MLB organizations since the international signing period will begin this Saturday, January 15.

Miñoso, born in Matanzas, and has, according to the aforementioned sports journalist, a fairly compact swing with which he can take balls out of the field, as well as frequently produce towards the opposite wing.

“The defense has had shots measured at 1.84 at 2nd base in addition to excellent footwork and catching pitches,” Romero also highlights.

The Toronto Blue Jays are a Canadian professional baseball team based in Toronto, Ontario, competing in the East Division of the American League of Major League Baseball.

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