Andy García Lorenzo's family business is vandalized with rotten eggs

Individuals, presumably related to State Security, threw rotten eggs at the premises where she works as a manicurist and he as a barber.

Roxana García y Jonatan López, hermana y cuñado de Andy García Lorenzo © Captura de pantalla
Roxana García and Jonatan López, sister and brother-in-law of Andy García Lorenzo Photo © Screenshot

This article is from 2 years ago

Roxana García Lorenzo and Jonathan Lopez, relatives of the political prisoner Andy Garcia, denounced this Wednesday the act of vandalism that was committed against their work premises in Villa Clara.

Individuals, allegedly related to State Security, They threw rotten eggs against the place where she works as a manicurist and he as a barber.

"This is incredible"García Lorenzo denounced through a video he published on Facebook.

The couple acknowledged that The neighborhood where they work is full of people who sympathize, or at least they simulate sympathy, with the communist regimeTherefore, anyone could have been the author of the act of vandalism.

"It bothers us that we are in everyone's face and we don't do anything illegal. This reminds me of what they did to Yunior García when he was in Cuba"López mentioned.

During the video it was also learned that again the authorities of the prison where Andy García Lorenzo is imprisoned They prevented him from communicating by telephone with the family.

"A worker abused his position and attacked my brother because he had not made the bed properly. He finds himself on the second occasion without phone calls to the family. I don't know what he wants, what they want," said the sister of the political prisoner.

Activists criticized that The Cuban political system reserves mistreatment, misery and dirt for its opponents, also a reflection of all the problems that the country is experiencing.

After reaffirming the desire to continue the fight for the release of Andy García Lorenzo, sent a message to State Security and its agents.

"My brother is still in prison and there is no greater reason to denounce that. This is what happens to Cuban families for expressing themselves, demonstrating against the system, for being people who tell the truth, who do not conform and do not tolerate the injustices," said the young woman.

The harassment of the García Lorenzo family, as a result of their activism for the release of the young 11J protester in Villa Clara, includes excessive fines and interrogations in police units, as well as defamations on social networks and threats.

On repeated occasions they have expressed their intentions to defend what they believe in. and that the only way to keep them quiet is for the regime to disappear all the members.

They have been carrying out the project for months. "Help the brave people of 11J", where they collect money and supplies to make packages that are delivered to the relatives of political prisoners in Cuba, as they explained to this medium.

The family insists on the transparency of this project and that every penny donated is used to buy everything that is needed, as they constantly explain in their publications on social networks.

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